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Charm Strict

AKhod | 2024-04-27 | 1.2 MB | Downloads: 433

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.00 or newer
Tone: Dark, Light
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch

Based on the standard Charm.
Added an Amoled theme. The old style (slider) has been added to the equalizer.
In landscape mode, tap EQ style xxxxx to change the equalizer view.

Charm Perfect

AKhod | 2024-04-27 | 1.1 MB | Downloads: 435

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.00 or newer
Tone: Dark, Light
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch

Based on the standard Charm.
Added the old style equalizer (10 bands).
In the auto equalizer layout, the line scrolls horizontally (along the bottom of the screen).
Added an Amoled theme.

Charm Segment v4.1

AKhod | 2024-02-28 | 2.3 MB | Downloads: 58967

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.00 or newer
Tone: Dark, Light
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch

Из особенностей:
- добавлен индикатор наличия текста песни (лирики).
- при отсутствии текста песни (лирики) в инфо о треке не сдвигает окно текста (No lyrics).

В макете авто:
- Плейлист - свайп влево по панели информации.
- Панель поиска - свайп влево по названию плейлиста.

Gradient Cover 4

AKhod | 2024-01-16 | 2.6 MB | Downloads: 9683

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.00 or newer
Tone: Dark
Interface: Touch
Surface: Mat

In the phone layout, the bookmark can be created by clicking on the queue label.

Gradient Cover AIO 4

AKhod | 2024-01-16 | 2.4 MB | Downloads: 7064

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.00 or newer
Tone: Dark
Interface: Touch
Surface: Mat
Form: All-in-One

- phone layout, top action bar swipes right/left for full access to playlist/media library management.
- phone/portrait layout, to access the lyrics - swipe playlist to left.